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CrossOver Mac
Discussion about CrossOver Mac

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Please support Microsoft Library Like .Net

i was test your product.. i almost sukses install corell draw X5 on mac os x with crossover 13.1
failure caused, resolution graphics with crossover only VGA 800x600.. and Corel draw need 1024 x 768 for run installer

second try your product Hang up.. I can not reinstall coreldraw again....

CorelDraw X5 need Microsoft Library .Net 3.0 to 4.0..
Please support Microsoft Library for Graphics Design Like CorelDraw and AutoDesk 3DsMaX
Because user mac need CorelDraw for convert file coreldraw to file EPS
and many user need 3DsMax for design 3D.

CorelDraw and AutoDesk using many microsoft library...
In next month Windows XP will be discarded by Microsoft, so Codeweaver can use code such as Windows XP so that all application windows can walk in Mac OS X


.Net has always been a problem. I know that the fact has not escaped Codeweavers staff. Crossver still needs work, and it gets better every version with greater support for more software.

But, there is one thing that is obviously escaping your understanding. It is not because Windows XP will no longer be supported that the "code" will suddenly be opened, nor is Windows XP abandonware. Microsoft will not tolerate anyone to decompile Windows to look at the code. What you are talking about is just not possible from a legal standpoint.

Ok, maybe I excessively about the windows xp code

I now about .Net in real Windows.. its complicated too.. cannot easy install... it make me frustrated
Corel Draw X5 not easy install in windows because very difficult install Microsoft .Net

But.. if i install AutoDesk Autocad 2013 first or higher version.. before install CorelDraw.. i get sukses install CorelDraw in windows (AutoDesk install Windows Library first before instal Core Application)
Mybe.. if Crossover Mac can do install AutoCAD 2013 for windows... CorelDraw X5 can install to with Crossover
And 3DsMax too

I see a list of programs that can run with the windows Crossover, 75% of them already exist in the Mac OS and does not require further Crossover (MacOS X native application)
But for Application never build for mac.. need Crossover !!

I hope in Next version Crossover Compatible with Windows Libray.. and the user will be install windows library required, It is not going to violate the Copyright

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