Hello all,
I'm very new to Crossover, and I'm struggling to get some Windows-only CAD software (VirtualMec) running. It instals all right, but throws several errors on start-up, all of which can be clicked through (with OK button) except the last which, though it can be clicked away, reappears at the slightest movement of the mouse. As it's modal, I can't do anything with the programme while it's there, so I can't use it.
It says, "Printing Error: Pixel format not supported by current bitmap."
The earlier errors on programme start-up are, in order of appearance:
"ChoosePixelFormat failed."
"SetupPixelFormat failed."
"Error while trying to set viewport."
"Error while trying to set viewing frustum."
A page of densely packed Chinese or Japanese symbols.
"OpenGL Error: Error releasing context, 3."
"Printing Error: Pixel format not supported by current bitmap."
"Error while trying to set viewport." (this one several times)
Can anyone suggest to me what's wrong, and what to do about it?
I'm on a Mac Pro, running OS X 10.9.3.