As an Advocate of Paint Shop Pro 7 I had an opportunity to test it (version 7.04) under crossover-pro 7.0.2. I had PSP previously installed under crossover 6.2 (win98 bottle) and I did not reinstall it. I found that it ran stable on my Redhat Linux 4.6 (kernel-2.6.9-67.EL, glibc-2.3.4-2.39, on dual Intel Xeon) and all functions (I use) worked without a glitch, even the help function.
I worked on a very large file (330 Mb) and that too gave no issues. The only thing I found was that some of the pull-down menus aren't wide enough to display both the functions and the associated keyboard shortcut without the two overlapping a bit in the middle. No big deal (could be a font issue).
Advocating Paint Shop Pro - in my mind - includes Animation Shop 3, which is part of the package. Unfortunately Animation Shop 3 still does not get further than the splash image and then dies. A "Terminate Windows Applications" is then necessary to make the system function normally again. Now that PSP is working so well should we put Animation Shop 3 in the priorities list by itself?