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help installing .net framework


I have Mac OS Yosemite and Crossover Mac 14.
I would like to install Mz Assistant v3.7.7 over Mac, application is here: .
Problem is I receive an error and after searching a little bit I found it is related to .net framework, either x64 or x86 versions, I don't know exactly which of them is the problem.

I tried installing all versions of .net framework on Windows XP and Windows 7 bottles and it still doesn't work...

Crossover is working, I successfully installed Mz Manager, another managerzone application.

I tried installing yahoo messenger too as Yosemite doesn't support it anymore and it doesn't work either.

Can you please help?

MZ Assistant has a Java version too. I tried it on my Ubuntu install, it ran. It's the one marked as MacOS/Windows/Linux

I tried the version you pointed to. It requires .NET 2.0, starts puts out an error message, if I chose to continue I got it to show the main window but it's not working properly.

The Windows version of Yahoo Messenger never worked well on Wine. The last build of YM dates back to 2012. Is it abandoned? I would use something like Trillian for Mac to connect to YM.

thanks for looking into it, Silviu!

the problem with the .jar version is that I can't parse any data (get data button doesn't work). it seems that version is abandoned.

the 3.7.7 version works very well on windows.
on Mac I have this error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00000602-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

insanelymac said I'd have to register this dll - msadox.dll, but cannot find it in the bottle.

can you help please?

Alright, a bit of progress. Since you mentioned that file I decided to add MDAC 2.8 to the bottle. Now it does not go bork on loading but it cries that it can't find MzMgr.MDB which is a database file. It even offers to download it but the link is broken. It points to File does not appear to be there.

If you have that file you can drop it in the app's installation folder and try again.

Edit: the crosstie for MDAC 2.8 is here

working man!! thanks a lot!
now I can leave win for mac, that was the only program i was using pretty often which was keeping me there.
And very very glad seeing another Romanian helping me. :)

No problem, just make sure it really works ok before jumping :)

no, really really works. :) thanks again!

I'm having a problem installing a .NET Framework too, 3.5 to be exact. I am still in the trial version of Crossover, so I want to make this work and only have about a week to make it happen. First attempt at installing Artisteer was on an iMac running OSX 10.7.5 and it seemed to be going very well, but after the installer for .NET Framework 2 finished, I got an error message that said the .NET Framework 3.5 file is corrupt. I tried again and got the same message. I emailed support and got very good instructions of how to remove the /Installers/ folder and retry, this time with my security pkg disabled. I got the same results.

Since I know my OS is not the latest on this machine, I also tried it on a Macbook Pro laptop running on Mavericks. I needed to download a new Trial Copy of CrossOver and the latest version of Artisteer. It seemed to be going well, but again I got the corrupt installer alert when it got to the .NET 3.5 Framework. I have tried visiting Microsoft and downloading the .NET 3.5 (that was before my second attempt on the iMac).

My question: During these installs, I get a screen saying it is highly recommended that I update the Framework with the latest service packs. Is there a chance that canceling the in-progress install and taking that step might fix the issue? I don't know where to get specific information like that before trying to install things. Would it be better to get the required Frameworks all installed before trying to install an application that requires the Frameworks? I must be doing something wrong, but not sure just where to look.

I would most appreciate knowing if anyone has been able to install MS .NET 3.5 Framework on Mac and what I might have missed.

Go into ~/Library/Application Support/Crossover/installers and delete everything in there so you don't have a corrupt installer.

Then pick the .NET 3.5 SP 1 entry and install that into the bottle. That'll pull down .NET 2, 3, & 3.5 with the service pack. Should cover all the bases.

Thank you Andrew, I did that and tried again several times. I kept seeing the corrupt file alert.
Since I finally found the secret to getting Artisteer running, I thought I should come back to share it here. A friend who got Artisteer up and running on Wine (which I haven't ever been able to figure out) sent me a link to a 2013 thread for older versions and I followed that outline. I'm still working on a Trial version of Crossover 14.0.3 but it looks like I will be able to use it so I'll buy it today.

First - installed Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework in a nice clean new bottle. Then closed it all down and quit Crossover.

Next open up Crossover and installed Platform SDK Redistributable GDI+ which is in the Runtime Components list. Again, installed without a problem, I closed it and quit.

Last step, I downloaded and unzipped Artisteer and opened Crossover, and selected the same bottle I had earlier installed the previous components to and selected "Use Other Installer" to install the Artisteer.exe I had just unzipped. The Artisteer installer opened and it walks you through setup, just watch for the default checked box on the last frame to "Launch Program File" and uncheck that so you can finish and close the install.

I did select a Quick Start link and desktop icon to be created and neither were anywhere to be found. I needed to open the Crossover app, open the bottle I had installed to, then there is an icon to launch Artisteer. I am in awe. I even opened a 5 year old .artx file and could have worked with it, but it was missing background and other things that had changed over the years so I thought it best to start fresh with all new design. I am so happy not to need to fire up a PC to do this nor to try to depend on Parallels. Thank you Crossover, excellent work, just short on the how to stuff for noobs like me.

Use All in One Net installer from Germany it help install .Net library
but unfortunately Crossover 14 not 100% compatible with self microsoft library
.Net 3.0 and .Net 3.0 sp1 not work

I hope next .. Crossover compatible with microsoft library.
for install CorelDraw and 3DFx Max

I can't install it when upgrading my Mac to OSX EL Capitan

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