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Problem in CrossOver/Applications!

Problem With Steam
Can anyone tell me why my Login screen in Steam would not show up? I have asked eee user forum, but seriously, no answer. Please Help me Please!

Thank You


Sorry to hear of your problems, but I think the issue(s) you are describing,
would be more related to the menu handling of whichever window manager you're
using. (?) In a typical installation with pretty much all linux distros, wine
(pure) is installed in /usr/bin or such and available under login $PATH. To call
the -Crossover- build of wine requires the full path to that; depending
on how you installed Crossover, this would be /opt/crossover/bin/wine or else
~/cxoffice/bin/wine in the case of a single user install.

With a wine (pure) installation, the convention is to install programs in your
$HOMEDIR under the .wine; ~/.wine/ ....whereas Crossover installs
the win32 programs, on a per 'bottle' basis, in your $HOMEDIR under the following
directory... ~/cxoffice/[bottle_name] ...and in both situations here, everything
is happening -outside- of your system login $PATH, so it's near impossible for a
Crossover installation to 'interfere' with a wine (pure) fact,
the two co-exist on the same system quite happily. The one caveat to this, is in the
case when a win32 itself, keeps runtime/configuration files in the user's $HOMEDIR
regardless of whether Crossover wine or wine (pure) is actually running it...but
I don't think that's got anything to do with what you're seeing...

I suspect you've actually broken you're own wine (pure) installation in some way,
in the process of uninstalling it...which, sadly, you didn't have to do anyhow. I
think what probably happened (or artifacts of same linger), is the default file
associations that were introduced by the Crossover installation, 'in some way' caused
your window manager software to associate the existing (I'll guess mime-type) menu
items for wine, to be associated with Crossover instead (which shouldn't happen)... for your problems running what we would call 'graphics intensive', -that- is
likely to be a limitation of the intel UME graphics chipset/driver. I am unsure just
how capable those chipsets are in Windows running things like CS-S or such, but if
Windows -can- and linux -can't- it's going to boil down to the drivers available
for that chipset - simple as that.

If Crossover is bailing out where you indicate, my -guess- is you're missing the
required python/perl libraries & modules (in particular pygtk and friends) or
perhaps have missing 32bit libs. The cxdiag command should give you some idea of
what you're missing in your system make-up (if anything) - issue one of the following
commands in an xterm/console ;

[for a system wide install]

/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxdiag --debug

[for a single user install]

~/cxoffice/bin/cxdiag --debug

Note: replace 'cxoffice' with 'cxgames' if that's the version of Crossover you have.

Have a look at the terminal out -- you won't need all things, but those marked
required are absolutely necessary, and you'd need install them using your system's
package manager or such.

Hope this back if you're still stuck...


Sorry for the late reply!
Seriously, I don't understand quite a lot of what you're describing, but I can still get the point. But, what are we talking about? Anyway, I manage to run CrossOver, now still playing a standalong Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, not through Steam.

I've edited my previous post, because the problem is solved, so I am making it clear again that I failed to start Counter-Strike: Source(standalone), and Steam wasn't showing it's login screen after update.

The process seems to be in the task manager and the program seems to be in my Window List.

BTW, I have checked my system before the installation, I have met all the requirements stated. But only that my EEE PC Linux cannot work the Steam and Source games out. The Counter-Strike: Source jammed, made me restart my computer, because I cannot move at ALL, and Steam is VERY laggy at open, and the screens other than the update screen DOES NOT SHOW up. For I don't know what reason.

This was posted on by me also, but they asked me to ask WINE forum, before I does that, I also have some confusion on CrossOver, so I think it is suitable for me to ask CrossOver forum before that.

My computer graphic card, RAMs, memory card and all that sort are not too outdated to play Source Games, when I was operating on Window XP, I find that I still manage to run Garry's Mod, Half-Life 2, Day of Defeat: Source, and Portal, they seems to be a 'little' laggy, but the performance wasn't that bad.

Also, I want to know, again, do CrossOver need WINE installed? Or CrossOver IS WINE but with a more advance system? I also want to know why Explorer.exe doesn't run? Back in WINE, the explorer.exe ran. Besides that, I also finds that Counter-Strike: Condition Zero in OpenGL rendering was totally different that that was in WINE, the font and stuffs is all messed up. Do you think it is related to the font not installed or it is CrossOver problems?

I will edit my current post again, please standby for update. I am going to tweak some stuffs to solve some of my problem(like font). Also, since I am running on EEE PC 701, which can have up to 4gb of storage, and 4gb ONLY, do you think it is recommended to remove the remaining WINE residues on my hard-drive. In case CrossOver does not work(which it work, but only with problems that I think wasn't related to CrossOver), I will have to reinstall WINE, and which require the things, otherwise I'll have to reinstall the DirectX which took up so many of my time downloading.

I've been thinking of a permanent change to CrossOver since it comes WITH directX and Gecko HTML renderer. So backing WINE files up or deleting it seems to be a wise choice to reduce the cost of Disc Space!Just an option though, not a problem.

Will Wine Forum answer to my questions as I am no longer running on WINE.
Yup, it is because of the fonts. But I still cannot get to run Steam and Counter-Strike Source though.

Besides that, I want to ask, since WINETRICKS require WINE, can other program 'like' winetricks be used on CrossOver? I read from the EEE user forum that Counter-Strike: Source require some driver/system/requirement like vbrun5 and some fonts in order to run Counter-Strike:Source.


Hi again,

Apologies for not answering one of previous questions -- no, Crossover does not need wine installed to work
-- it comes with it's own custom wine engine as part of it's make-up, which includes patch and so forth not included
in the mainstream wine releases.

You cannot compare your experiences with the machine when using Windows to play the games titles you mention. The
reason for this, is the Windows video drivers available for that OS, provide native links to the directx rendering
layer 'as is' -- in Crossover/wine, most all directx operations are redirected to their (open)GL equivalents, and
rendered that way. This linux for can have a PC (whatever it is) that is fitted with a Nvidia
chipset/videocard, and the video drivers that ship with X/Xorg won't work -- you have to use the proprietary Nvidia
drivers instead. Same goes for the ATI graphics cards/chipsets, the same rule applies to other video chipsets/drivers
as well...and this is the same in mainstream wine as it is in Crossover wine more or less.

If it's an option for you to delete your wine installation and any programs you installed using wine (to save diskspace),
then yes, that's probably a wise thing to do. If you ran one of the above commands, at the end of the terminal output,
the OpenGL version detected will be listed....mine, looks like this;

default screen=0, planes=24
OpenGL vendor = 'NVIDIA Corporation'
OpenGL version = '3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.44'
NVIDIA version 256.44

What output do you see in these regards when running the cxdiag --debug command?

Folks in the wine forums will still respond to your questions regrading wine issues
as wine is part of Crossover, but for some Crossover specific things you'll probably
do better asking about it in the forums here...typically, on the C4 page entry related
to the specific app/game in question.

Fonts you shouldn't being seeing a problem with - did you install Steam via the builtin
installation target of the Crossover Games 'Manage Bottles' interface?


This is the things I got. T_T!
[i] cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"Title"="Missing 32bit library"
"Description"="Provides support for some ISDN cards. Very few applications need this." cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"Title"="Missing 32bit library"
"Description"="This is needed by applications that perform encryption or check online certificates." cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"Title"="Missing 32bit library"
"Description"="This library makes it possible for Windows applications read and write XML files." cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"Title"="Missing 32bit library"
"Description"="This library lets Windows applications perform queries and transformations on XML files."

egrep 'hosts:.*mdns4' /etc/nsswitch.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 returned 256
default screen=0, planes=24
OpenGL vendor = 'Tungsten Graphics, Inc'

Anyway, I have moved the .wine directory to my hard-drive, so now my laptop should have the right amount of disc space to continue any nessesary download, installation and sort. I also found myself that I have some problems. I ran Counter-Strike: Condition Zero(not through steam), and it ran, I closed it and ran it again and again, but of cause not immediately. I mean when I notice problems like fonts, or maybe being bored.

Then I ran Half-Life(Zombie Edition). it was rendering in DirectX, but when I exit(that happen to Counter-Strike: Condition Zero too), the whole PC restarted, that was not what happen in WINE, maybe some requirement are not met.

Since that, and even now, I cannot start Counter-Strike: Condition Zero but Half-Life Zombie Edition can still be started. P.S Zombie Edition is a mod lol!

I have Steam already installed on my Hard-Drive rather than CrossOver bottles. It was installed during the time I had my WindowXP which corrupted and cannot be fixed again. I install games that I believe I had already mentioned earlier. So inserting it into eee pc 701 which have only 4gb(-system amount[3.5gb]) cannot store these amount of datas.

Previously, when using WINE, I have many conflicts. Read this post on forum for what I've written:

Note: I think the current link is the second page!

One such conflict was that I got errors while installing Steam. to overwrite my previous Steam! Aiyo, it was hard for me to install Garry's Mod and other games, so tough day to download. Besides, I have no record of the addons i've installed in Garry's Mod.

Again, thank you for your respond to my questions. I am at least relieved to know the fact that drivers and cards cannot fully be used on Linux. And the fact my experience on WindowXP and Linux is different. But still, I am sad. If you can, please help me out in the problems I've posted on (the link I gived), at lease a one!

I am so not sure whether it is the settings and configs in my Linux that caused most programs not to work, or it is the lack of dependencies, or it is really the problem with the packages I am using!


Hi again,

Going by that cxdiag output, your graphics drivers (OpenGL vendor = 'Tungsten Graphics, Inc'),
are using the builtin/shipped portion of OpenGL/Mesa that comes with Xfree/Xorg. From what I can
gather, that machine is using some form of GMA-900 series graphics chipset, in which case it's
unlikely to work in many situations due to limitations with the chipset itself and/or the lack of
'fuller' driver supports as provided by the proprietary drivers available from other video chipset
makers. If HalfLife ran, but then not using Steam, I suspect the trouble has to do with the handling
of the overlay buffers wrt that chipset/driver --- quite likely it is, that the Windows drivers do
provide 'hooks' to the directx layer that are unavailable in linux, and at the same time, the current
linux drivers don't support enough of OpenGL, which is what Crossover/wine is going to use to replicate
those directx calls.....I'm actually rather surprised it ran HalfLife at all to be honest... =)

I cannot really explain the issue of exiting game leading to system a reboot, although the failure of
the game to start subsequently may be related to that (if the reboot happened before the game exe had
completed doing something) -- again, something going wrong with video card/driver handling could
easily provoke something like that. The GMA 9xx based graphics chipsets, and the available drivers for
same (there's a number of Mac models that use the GMA 950 for instance), do not lend themselves to
'graphics intensive' operations, particularly win32 games being run via Crossover/wine. There is no
'one size fits all' magic solution for these chipsets, and the EEE machines are not exactly what one
would call a 'normal PC' (but very similar) -- in fact, they're one of those kind of machines that
need 'hands on' time with to be able to advise further with any surity -- I -do- know if I owned one,
probably the first thing I'd do is build my own linux distro to suit the machine's makeup because they
are that different to the point of treating them like an embedded device.. 8)

No doubt, it will run -some- will very much depend on the games themselves. I think I would
try enabling 'Emulate a virtual desktop' in the Wine Configuration GUI...start cxsetup (Manage Bottles)
then highlight the bottle -> Control Panel -> launch Wine Configuration -> Graphics tab. That might help,
but like I say, I'm really guessing because I've had no experience with that particular machine...but
my guess is you're going to find it 'very hard going' trying to use EEE + linux + Crossover/wine to get
win32 games running. If you've installed Crossover Games and then installed Steam via the builtin install
target and that much itself doesn't; the Steam GUI doesn't work....then already there is something
seriously amiss, and if that much can't be made to work, forget about Steam games. You'll basically have
to experiment and find out what the limits of the machine/video drivers actually are, and use that as a
usage guideline.



I know how to tick the 'Emulate a virtual desktop'. But how does that you doubt will help? Half-Life and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero are causing the reboot only when the rendering was using DirectX. The rest of them does not cause any trouble, except openGL caused my vision in-game to be blur when the place I'm looking at is far.

I am not quite sure, but why are you surprised it can run Half-Life? Do anyone thinks it cannot work on my machine? I mean, I can also run Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, only Counter-Strike: Source made problems with my desktop, and I have to restart it to get it functioning again.

I have tried to use 'Emulate A Virtual Desktop', whenever I open applications using CrossOver, a Default Wine Desktop appear, which black and blank screen. What happened?

I still cannot start Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, but to be clear, I started and played it many time when I was in WINE and CrossOver. I don't understand, this happen after my computer reboot from the termination of Half-Life Zombie Edition. But still, Half-Life works very well lol, no lag, I'm headcrab infecting barney lol!

One more tiny problem, I don't understand the part of builtin for Steam. Does it has anything to do with the problem I am having? Also, now I have steam opened, screen is not showing up, and it is now in a login screen condition. About the Counter-Strike:Condition Zero, do I have to add the application to the 'Application' tab in the WINE Configuration to run?

I have tried to run Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, through a link, application link(.desktop). Counter-Strike: Condition Zero ran, but one BIG problem, it exited itself. I am reinstalling it without uninstalling it. If don't work, I'll uninstall it. I seriously doubt that it wasn't the renderer problem, it is some configuration changes on it's own. But I have not use any setting recently, I was just playing with bot all the time, no time for option changes.

Also, are there any way to disable the Virus Scan, it's pretty annoying, especially when I'm opening a 500mb standalone program like the Counter-Strike: Condition Zero installer of mine. I hate this!

I have reinstalled the Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, seems fine now!

Besides the Steam problem I am having, what is the first action I have to take to run Source games like Counter-Strike Source. I cannot modify the chipsets already in my laptop but I can install drivers and accelerators to increase the efficiency of my rendering. Seriously, I don't think any graphic card and memory card of mine would affect my experience in Source games, like I said, I manage to run in Window XP, so the graphic card and memory cards, also RAMs are clearly supporting Source games.

The only problem is that I would like to know the requirement for me to run the games. Or at least to start Steam. I have gotten your notice not to compare my experience in Window XP and Linux, but I think I can conclude my experience on Window XP to be compared in Linux.

I've tried to run Game Maker 8.0, but however, it stucked at the starting of the program, written there "Please wait while the page is loading.....". It is responding, but it don't load at all!

....after a few tries of reinstalling Steam, and kept having error written "There was a problem at your steam installation, please reinstall steam", I have finally passed once without having the same damn error, but one problem is, the screen still does not appear! There gotta be something wrong!

Also, I would like to find out, what is the difference between CrossOver, WINE, and Play On Linux? They seems to be different somehow, but I don't know which is recommended.

Farther editing:
I've saw many post of the same problem that I am having, that is the screen not appearing. After the update, the login screen, main screen, and everything wasn't showing up, yet, Steam was there. I've heard that they can run it, when they changed the configuration.

I've tried the setting to modify the window version to at least Vista, yay, it worked, but the only big problem is that it is SO DARN SLOW, my other process especially the File Manager often jams. And my process of almost everything else are being slowed down.

Another Error:
The Steam gave me an error after the latest update took place:
ERROR:Failed to set files attribute. Win32 error 5

But I have a tiny problem, the WHOLE Steam Jammed, it work, can run, can chat, updating the game, but it seems to jam every single second, it jammed, resolved, but I have only one second or less to click, then it jammed again, this happen AGAIN AND AGAIN, HELP ME!

Please bring me some good news!

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