Ok, I passed two days to understand what's wrong with it and I just found it !
If you look in .cxoffice/default/desktopdata/cxmenu/xdg-xfce-applications you should find your installed apps right ?
for each .desktop file, it dosent include a Categories=
ex for excel desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Comment=Effectuez des calculs, analysez des informations et visualisez des données dans des feuilles de calcul à l'aide de Microsoft Office Excel.
The new version should be
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Comment=Effectuez des calculs, analysez des informations et visualisez des données dans des feuilles de calcul à l'aide de Microsoft Office Excel.
Categories=Windows Application;Microsoft Office
Even if we make a symbolic link for the .directory in the /usr/share/desktop-directories, that's not going to work.
You'll have to edit your /etc/sdg/xubuntu/menus/xfce-applications.menu to add the reference of the new directory
<Name>Windows Application</Name>
<Category>Windows Application</Category>
<Name>Microsoft Office</Name>
<Category>Microsoft Office</Category>
Im sorry for my english but it should help a lot of people
As I can see, the proble is not comming from XFCE, but codeweavers prorammer by not putting the Categories= in every .desktop files, not giving the right name of every .directory file and not reediting the xml
To make it simple, And see your icons you could do this command in a terminal and you will see all of your icons in Other
sudo ln -s /home/(your username)/.cxoffice/default/desktopdata/cxmenu/xdg-xfce-applications/ /usr/share/applications/cxofficeapps
sudo ln -s /home/(your username)/.cxoffice/desktopdata/cxoffice-0/cxmenu/xdg-xfce-applications/ /usr/share/applications/cxoffice
reload xfdesktop
sudo xfdesktop --reload
If the reload failed and you see any changes, do this
sudo Thunar
open /home/(your username)/.cxoffice/default/desktopdata/cxmenu/xdg-xfce-applications/
cut a .desktop file and paste it in the /usr/share/applications/ directory :)
after delete it
voila ! c'est simple