Dear "CrossOver is useless",
I notice you purchased CrossOver about six months ago, but this is
the first we have heard from you, and I don't see any support
tickets from you. Did you use our 14 day free trial before
purchasing? And is this delay in reporting your problems because the
application was working at some point, and stopped working recently,
or is there some other reason? We don't pretend that CrossOver will
run every application, which is why we offer the trial so users can
see if their application works before purchasing it.
If this is a serious request for a refund, you'll have to open a
support ticket for that request. Please note there is no need to use
abusive language to express your displeasure when filing a ticket.
Hello Meredith and thanks for your response.
Yes, I tested the trial version before and it worked fine. The problems began when I purchased the actual software (I believe it was the "best deal" package). That's probably your marketing strategy, develop the trial version with extra care so people fall for your terrible product. I never opened a ticket because it usually worked after restarting CrossOver or the Steam client and I know an application like this cannot be perfect. Since the last 1 or 2 months it became unbearable though. After launching CrossOver the Steam client doesn't start 1 out of 3 times. If i actually get it to work and try to start Counter Strike 1.6 there are further problems:
- The game starts and quits right after (I notice my status goes from blue "online" to green "Playing Counter Strike 1.6" to blue again)
- The game crashes while loading a plain standard map like de_dust2 via "new game"
- The game freezes/crashes during a match
This is unbearable and highly frustrating. It can't be my hardware as invested a lot into it, I also update my OS x and the CrossOver App regularly:
CrossOver 20.0.4
Big Sur 11.3.1
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
The most frustrating part is your advertisements. You guys are NOT "very, very good" at what you do!
I'm able to play CS 1.6 just fine on my M1 Mac
Do you run the game through the Steam client? Have you actually played the game or just judging by launching it?
I don't know...I feel WINE is like magic I can't believe it works in
the first place... but also works so well.
Its true not all apps work but many do. Counter Strike 1.6 is
reported to work as Platinum by WineDB which means its 100%
flawless. This leads me to believe the problem in the setup is from
your end. Not to mention, there is a native CS Mac version so you
don't need Wine or CrossOver.
Maybe you are running a pirated version!?
I'm playing 1.6 since 18 years and I never heard of a version specifically designed for Mac. Also you can't find it in the App store. What's this version you are talking about? It can't be something official from Valve.
And NO, I'm not running a pirated version! I run the game through Steam where I legally obtained it.
My hardware shouldn't be a problem, it's above average and I update this stupid CrossOver software regularly as well as my OS X.