I use the newest Ubuntu, I got galciv on impulse, impulse works, but not like steam, impulse got a movable icon when you minimize and steam got a systray(whats it called in ubuntu?) icon.
I got the messages at start but are ignorable so...
So I have a impulse bottle where I downloaded my bought games.
I installed the font because some letters dont show the same spacing as in windows, (lucon.ttf).
I got all galciv 2 ultimate stuff in the impulse bottle so I made a desktop launcher to the latest expansion exe.
In the impulse bottle I confirmed audio because this gave me a message and confirming it and then regoing to audio doesn't give a message.
In graphics I disabled windowmanager decorates window.
And I checked the virtual desktop.
But this is all in the bottle config, I think the desktop launcher doesn't use these settings. I am not sure.
I got duel wide - screens, the game fills the screen but when I move the mouse to the right then I the screen scrolls a bit of desktop.
The problem:
When I played the game I had a linux navigation window open on my second screen, what I noticed is that the game doesn't catch the keypresses but it went to this window, what is strange because I started the launcher and didn't move my mouse from the game, but It never got focus, probally because it's an unfocusable window?
So I can't give my shipbuilds a name.
How can I fix this?
This is my favorite game, but I probally still will buy crossover game because vmware doesn't work well with heavy graphic games, to my knowledge/try outs.