1) this is a "newer" installation
2) it worked on Crossover 10, and not on Crossover 11.
The prerequisites between 10 & 11 are the same.
So in theory this means that if crossover 10 works, crossover 11
should work also.
But if the prerequisites aren't correct....
Listen, Debian Testing is not meant for production. It may be a newer install but in the same respect it is a moving target. I don't know why CrossOver 11 would not work where CrossOver 10 would work. I've set up a Sid box and I've not seen the problems you've experienced. I would like to reproduce the problem so that we can try to fix it, but without the problem occurring here it is really hard to diagnose. The prerequisites have not changed between the versions. However, quite a bit of Wine has changed. I can keep keep asking diagnostic questions (does straight wine-1.4 work for you? does wine-1.5 work? did you do an update on your system between CrossOver 10's uninstall and CrossOver 11's install?). I would like to know why one version would work on your system and another wouldn't (especially when an older version works but a newer does not... usually it is the opposite problem).
Also, you can ask yourself, why for example crossover gave erros
about the missing python-xdg.
this is also not part of the prerequisites. But more over, why
didn't crossover alerted on that?
I saw that one, as I of course know how to work with linux &
other stuff.
But do you expect a normal user to know that, and start cxsetup
in the 'console' in order to see this message?
No! crossover should be made for 'normal' users. The experts will
use wine anyway.
Okay, to the first part of this... python-xdg is not required. Not having it can mean some trouble but CrossOver can and does run without python-xdg. And, installing it did not resolve the issue you reported.
On to the second part of this... CrossOver is made for "normal" users... but I just don't see a "normal" user fighting through Debian Sid (or Arch or Gentoo). I see most of our normal users starting out with something like Ubuntu or Mint and then moving along as they become more familiar. I have not had or seen this problem with Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint or even Debian. Maybe it sounds crazy but I WANT to see this problem. I believe it happened to you and if I could make it happen here I might be able to diagnose it a bit and keep it from happening to someone else. Unfortunately you are the first person this has happened to (and I hope the last person it happens to... but I'd rather be sure of that).
3) I looked at the "own box", and it completely fullfilled the
4) regarding the "asking for support":
a) I opened a thread in this forum, as this is part of the
'support' section on the website.
b) AFTER I opened this thread, I also received a mail from
codeweavers, regarding the trail, that I could mail to trial@xxx.com
if I encountered problems.
I replied to that mail, pointing to this thread.
c) A couple of hours later I got a response on this thread,
asking to send some logfiles to info@***.com or to open a ticket.
I sent the email, with ALL information.
d) a couple of hours later, this thread was updated by
codeweavers, saying that they didn't got the information, as they
based themself on the mail from B) ...
then it was asked to upload the attachments on the
ticket...wtf..why proposing then to send an email if we need to do
it in the ticket anyway?
PS: after sending the mail, there was also no pointer to a
ticket number. So how can you expect for a user to find out which
ticket was created?
Now this is where you have my sincerest apologies. Yes, I asked you to send an email or open a Support Ticket (which actually do the exact same thing but how would someone outside of CodeWeavers know that?). I had no prior knowledge that you had already sent an email message. I am the one who alerted our Support Team to look for a ticket (email) from you and I asked them to let me know if they needed more. They saw your initial email and thought that it was what I wanted. They sent me the ticket number, I took a look and there was nothing attached to it save a link to this post. This is where I dropped the ball. I did not look to see if there was a second email and I am quite sorry for that. Yes, I would have liked it more had you said you'd sent an email in the initial thread but you are right, how could you know how many people we have handling our forums versus our emails (and why would you care? I get it, by the time I've explained my problem twice to anyone I'm at a point where I do not care, I just want a resolution). Again, I am very sorry that I did not check for an additional email (ticket).
Since then, I have merged the two messages together just to alleviate some of the confusion. Remember on our side an email and a ticket are the same thing. When we communicate back the ticket number is printed at the very bottom of every message (but again, how could you know this? So quickly I forget what it's like to be looking from the other side). That is why I both placed the ticket number in the forums and responded to it... I just wanted to give you a place holder either way for getting the information to us (not knowing that it was already attached to the other ticket). My apologies for the confusion. Had I looked for the other ticket I could have put the two together right away.
I'm really, really glad you got to the bottom of the issue that was happening on your system. I don't know why CrossOver 10 would work without GLX enabled but CrossOver 11 would not. To me it's quite the mystery (but will prompt for more testing on my end). I am sorry for the confusion.
Also, on the chance that you have a response for me... I'm twenty minutes from vacation. I won't be in for more than a week and when I get back I'll be swamped. I don't want you to think I suddenly forgot this thread.[/i]
how did I forget the word forgot?