I have had the trial version for a couple of days (2 or 3). I like it very much - MUCH better than parallels. I can run CS, and CS:S very easily and very fast. I love it. I just have a few questions before purchasing the CrossOver Mac Pro.
1.) When I load the CrossOver game application and then X the install new game pop up, it gives me a small white retangle on my desktop. It doesn't slow my computer down at all, but it is a bit ugly and if I am going to pay $80.00 for a program, I want it to be in tip top shape. I can click on the rectangle and in the top left it shows that it is the CrossOver application I am in. I understand that CrossOver is still in the beta testing, which leads me to question number 2...
2.) If I purchase CrossOver now, and it is updated (even significantly) am I entitled to the newer version with improved updates? (IE new games added, new applications added, white rectangle fix..)
3.) I tried to install X-fire on CrossOver games but it didn't work. The fonts where very messed up, I saw it on the list of applications though - I think that was in CrossOver Mac though. Is this done so gamers are kind of pressured into buying CrossOver Mac Pro, or should it work with CrossOver Games?
4.) I have 2 Mac desktops and a Mac laptop, I am assuming I will not be able to install it on all 3 of my computers with one copy? Is it $80.00 for 1 license? It would be neat to see a company come out with a new type of marketing - selling the program at a standard rate, and then licenses after that cheaper. (A consumers dream, lol)
Thats all I can think of for now, if I have any more I will be sure to ask. I hope these can be answered before my 5 day trial is up. I would hate to have to delay the purchase because of lack of support, and may even be turned away from purchasing.
Thanks a lot, and a truly amazing program.
-James Forkey