I don't think it's a flock thing as it stands. You're supposed to get support as far as I know.
I do think they have a whole bunch of new customers not exactly used to the product which might be asking questions, slowing down the process. The Mac side of things might be even worse, as many Mac users REALLY want their support, and a substantial fraction of them aren't... "expert users". So right now, you might have a longer wait then usual to get your ticket answered.
I, and many others, try to help, but being users ourselves we have limited means. That being said, I wonder if posting your question on the rfactor forum wouldn't have given you better results.
Lastly, I would mention that, speaking for myself, your writing is rather hard to read. I have had to "decode" some of your text to understand what you meant. English is a second language to me, so I do make mistakes but I do make an extra effort to write in the clearest fashion I can muster. I also read my text over a few times and try to correct blatant mistakes.
I do admit that to criticize someone I don't even know is in bad taste, but the level of difficulty I had reading you was substantial. So, please understand that I didn't write this comment in bad faith, but out of a conviction of necessity. If you take a little more care in order to have clearer writing, you stand greater chances others will be willing to help.