I have installed Crossover Linux by the Debain for Ubuntu and Debian
(.deb), this does not work for Lubuntu however, which cannot print.
I can print everything in Lubuntu 12.04, but still not .doc MS Word
files. The File Manager (PCManFM 0.9.10) does not open the file
directly and shows as "OLE2 compound document storage". This works
installing nautilus, and i am looking into how to open the file in
LXDE's PCManFM 0.9.10 file browser.
by opening Microsoft Office from the Start > Windows Application >
Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Word
I can then open the .doc file but it does not print. My printers are
setup and working and are listed under the available printers, but
just does not print. It does not even appear in the Document Print
Status, under pending or completed.
Even when opening the .doc file in nautilus and running in crossover
-> Microsoft Word it does not print.
All other apps such as Evince pdf viwer and Firefox can print
You should probably consider opening a Support Ticket for this issue instead of creating a forum post. If you don't have current support and are just trying out CrossOver you can send an email to info@codeweavers.com and still get a timely response.
In that email/ticket we will want you to attach a couple of things (preferably as attachments and not pasted into the body of the ticket/email).
Each item needed assumes you installed CrossOver with the debian installer, if you did not you will need to change "/opt/cxoffice" to "~/cxoffice".
First, the output of:
/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxdiag --debug &> ~/Desktop/LUBUNTUcxdiag.txt
Then, a couple of log files for when you attempt to print from Word. Put each of these in terminal to run Word 2007 from terminal (this assumes you left the default name for Office 2007).
CX_LOG=~/Desktop/LUBUNTUword2007noflags.txt CX_DEBUGMSG= /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle "Microsoft Office 2007" --cx-app WINWORD.exe
CX_LOG=~/Desktop/LUBUNTUword2007kprintflags.txt CX_DEBUGMSG=+print,+psdrv,+font,+ole /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle "Microsoft Office 2007" --cx-app WINWORD.exe
If run correctly, the three logs will be placed on your desktop all prefaced with "LUBUNTU". Attach them to an email or a ticket and we'll see what we can do to figure this out.
Finally, our developers will want to know if Notepad as run through CrossOver will print:
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle "Microsoft Office 2007" notepad