I own a copy of Crossover Linux but my support has expired.
I have installed Crossover Linux by the Debain for Ubuntu and Debian (.deb), this does not work for Lubuntu, which uses the PCManFM 0.9.10 file manager.
I can print everything in Lubuntu 12.04, but still not .doc MS Word files. The File Manager does not open the file directly and shows as "OLE2 compound document storage".
I have come of Puppy Linux 5.2.8 which i managed to get the default file manager to open the .doc files, but I cannot work this out for the PCManFM 0.9.10 file manager.
I think in Puppy Linux there was a way to set which program in .cxoffice was to open the file, however this is harder in Lubuntu.
Secondly by opening Microsoft Office from the Start > Windows Application > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Word
I can then open the .doc file but it does not print. My printers are setup and working and are listed under the available printers, but just does not print. It does not even appear in the Document Print Status, under pending or completed.
This all work in Ubuntu and Nautilus, but not Lubuntu and PCManFM 0.9.10