Hello World,
I have the most recent CrossOver version for OpenSuSE (SuSE version 13.1 x64), which I installed just a few days ago.
For various reasons, I had to delete all my old bottles, and started a fresh WinXP bottle, into which I installed MS-Office 2007 successfully (almost, as the MS-Word windows keeps showing up minimized 8 out of 10 times, stubbornly refusing to get resized or maximized).
But serious problems started once I tried to install MS-Visio2010, because that requires the MS redistributable C++ 8.0 SP1 (Version 9) to be installed.
First of all, there are a whole couple of MS Support Packs which the crossover tool simply won't download directly, it always(!) gets stuck halfway through the download.
Only if I first download the crossover file from the codeweaver website, open that one up in the crossover tool, and then start the install process, does the tool download the MS install set - which is not just weird, but also highly impractical.
But even with that trick being used, the MS installer then quits immediately after the opening screen (asking me to agree to their license terms) with a "Page Fault at <0xBunch of Zeros>" error message.
W/o that C++ redistributable I can't install MS-Visio2010 - which I truly, really need for work.
Does anybody know what's happening here?
Thanks in advance for any real help with this.