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Cannot download data of this Game

Crossover Version: 24.0.3

OS Version: MacOS 14.5

EXE link:

Error Log Below:

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in wow64 32-bit code (0x00437199).
Register dump:
CS:0107 SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:011f GS:0023
EIP:00437199 ESP:01f4f1c0 EBP:01f4f440 EFLAGS:00000206( - -- I - -P- )
EAX:00000000 EBX:0163b540 ECX:0163b540 EDX:01f4f214
ESI:0163a6c8 EDI:0163b548
Stack dump:
0x01f4f1c0: 00000001 01f4f214 01f4f200 01f4f5a8
0x01f4f1d0: 01f4f5a4 016131a8 00010078 00010000
0x01f4f1e0: 00000000 01f4f250 7bf78e97 00010078
0x01f4f1f0: 01f4f238 01f4f214 0000000c 7ffa2c00
0x01f4f200: 00000000 01385610 00000000 01f4f5a4
0x01f4f210: 01382948 00000000 01f4f5a8 00000104
0023: sel=011f base=7ffa2000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x00437199 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x37199) (0x01f4f440)
1 0x0042a207 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x2a207) (0x01f4f570)
2 0x0042acaf in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x2acaf) (0x01f4f5c4)
3 0x0056d0d7 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x16d0d7) (0x01f4f81c)
4 0x00577d70 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x177d70) (0x01f4fad0)
5 0x0053feaa in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x13feaa) (0x01f4faf4)
6 0x0051b628 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x11b628) (0x01f4fb30)
7 0x00524cc9 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x124cc9) (0x01f4fb60)
8 0x0051b7ed in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x11b7ed) (0x01f4fb6c)
9 0x00510f62 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x110f62) (0x01f4fbd8)
10 0x0050ff6c in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x10ff6c) (0x01f4fbf4)
11 0x00570350 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x170350) (0x01f4fc54)
12 0x005704d1 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x1704d1) (0x01f4fc64)
13 0x0056dd1f in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x16dd1f) (0x01f4fc88)
14 0x0056981a in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x16981a) (0x01f4fcac)
15 0x0042d59f in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x2d59f) (0x01f4fcd8)
16 0x00429d96 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x29d96) (0x01f4fcec)
17 0x00429d2b in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x29d2b) (0x01f4fd04)
18 0x0043334b in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x3334b) (0x01f4fd28)
19 0x7bac05dc in user32 (+0x605dc) (0x01f4fd58)
20 0x7bac0b19 in user32 (+0x60b19) (0x01f4fd94)
21 0x7bac3217 in user32 (+0x63217) (0x01f4fdd0)
22 0x7baa6e53 in user32 (+0x46e53) (0x01f4fe2c)
23 0x7baa95c8 in user32 (+0x495c8) (0x01f4fea0)
24 0x00433d95 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x33d95) (0x01f4ff04)
25 0x005a5e13 in kcsdownloadv32 (+0x1a5e13) (0x01f4ff40)
26 0x7bee8e10 in kernel32 (+0x28e10) (0x01f4ff58)
27 0x7bfa4cf3 in ntdll (+0x54cf3) (0x01f4ff6c)
28 0x7bfa620d in ntdll (+0x5620d) (0x01f4ffe8)
0x00437199 kcsdownloadv32+0x37199: mov (%eax), %ecx
Module Address Debug info Name (45 modules, 1 for wow64 not listed)
PE 400000- 697000 Export kcsdownloadv32
PE-Wine 74ee0000-74fff000 Deferred opengl32
PE-Wine 75010000-7507d000 Deferred libvkd3d-1
PE-Wine 75090000-7516e000 Deferred libvkd3d-shader-1
PE-Wine 75180000-7531b000 Deferred wined3d
PE-Wine 75330000-75364000 Deferred dxgi
PE-Wine 75380000-753b9000 Deferred wbemprox
PE-Wine 753d0000-753fb000 Deferred hnetcfg
PE-Wine 75620000-75686000 Deferred setupapi
PE-Wine 756c0000-756e3000 Deferred netapi32
PE-Wine 75850000-7585c000 Deferred version
PE-Wine 75970000-7597c000 Deferred nsi
PE-Wine 75990000-759a4000 Deferred dnsapi
PE-Wine 759c0000-759e3000 Deferred iphlpapi
PE-Wine 75a00000-75a0f000 Deferred wsock32
PE-Wine 75a20000-75a40000 Deferred msacm32
PE-Wine 75a50000-75b0f000 Deferred winmm
PE-Wine 7a410000-7a42d000 Deferred mpr
PE-Wine 7a600000-7a634000 Deferred uxtheme
PE-Wine 7a650000-7a668000 Deferred winemac
PE-Wine 7a680000-7a696000 Deferred bcrypt
PE-Wine 7a6b0000-7a779000 Deferred crypt32
PE-Wine 7a820000-7a846000 Deferred ws2_32
PE-Wine 7a860000-7a962000 Deferred oleaut32
PE-Wine 7a980000-7a994000 Deferred coml2
PE-Wine 7a9b0000-7aa2e000 Deferred rpcrt4
PE-Wine 7aa40000-7aa88000 Deferred combase
PE-Wine 7aaa0000-7aba4000 Deferred ole32
PE-Wine 7abc0000-7abd6000 Deferred shcore
PE-Wine 7abf0000-7ac36000 Deferred shlwapi
PE-Wine 7ac50000-7b55f000 Deferred shell32
PE-Wine 7b570000-7b58a000 Deferred imm32
PE-Wine 7b5a0000-7b6e6000 Deferred comctl32
PE-Wine 7b700000-7b715000 Deferred compstui
PE-Wine 7b730000-7b75f000 Deferred winspool
PE-Wine 7b770000-7b79f000 Deferred win32u
PE-Wine 7b7b0000-7b82e000 Deferred gdi32
PE-Wine 7b840000-7b90d000 Deferred ucrtbase
PE-Wine 7b920000-7b946000 Deferred sechost
PE-Wine 7b960000-7ba00000 Deferred msvcrt
PE-Wine 7ba10000-7ba4d000 Deferred advapi32
PE-Wine 7ba60000-7bc08000 Export user32
PE-Wine 7bc20000-7beaa000 Deferred kernelbase
PE-Wine 7bec0000-7bf1f000 Export kernel32
PE-Wine 7bf50000-7bff0000 Export ntdll
process tid prio name (all IDs are in hex)
00000030 services.exe
00000034 0
00000038 0 wine_rpcrt4_server
0000003c 0
00000050 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
00000068 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
00000080 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
000000bc 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
00000118 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
00000048 svchost.exe
0000004c 0
00000058 0
0000005c 0 wine_sechost_service
00000060 plugplay.exe
00000064 0
0000006c 0
00000070 0 wine_sechost_service
00000074 0 wine_rpcrt4_server
00000138 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
00000078 winedevice.exe
0000007c 0
00000084 0
00000088 0 wine_sechost_service
0000008c 0
00000090 0
000000dc 0
000000e0 0
000000a0 explorer.exe
000000a4 0
000000a8 0
000000ac 0 wine_rpcrt4_server
000000b4 rpcss.exe
000000b8 0
000000c0 0
000000c4 0 wine_sechost_service
000000c8 0 wine_rpcrt4_server
000000cc 0 wine_rpcrt4_server
000000d0 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
000001e8 0 wine_rpcrt4_io
00000110 winedevice.exe
00000114 0
0000011c 0
00000120 0 wine_sechost_service
00000124 0
00000128 0
0000012c 0
00000130 0
00000134 0
000001d0 winewrapper.exe
000001d4 0
000001e0 0
000001d8 HAPPYTUK_Gersang_installer.exe
000001dc 0
000001e4 0
000001f4 0
000001f8 0
000001fc 0
00000200 0
00000204 0
00000208 0
0000020c 0
00000210 0
00000214 0
00000218 0
0000021c 0
00000220 0
00000224 0
00000228 0
0000022c 0
00000230 0
00000234 0
00000238 -1
0000023c -1
00000240 0 wine_rpcrt4_server
00000244 0
00000248 0
0000024c 0
00000250 0
00000254 0
00000258 0
0000025c 0
00000260 0
00000264 0
00000268 0
0000026c 0
00000270 -1
00000278 0
0000027c 0
00000280 0
00000284 0
00000288 0
0000028c 0 wine_wininet_collect_connections
000002d8 (D) C:\users\crossover\AppData\Roaming\Kamuse\kcsDownloadV32\KCSDownloadV32.exe
000002dc 0
000002e0 15
000002e4 0 <==
000002e8 0
000002f0 0
000002f8 0
0000031c 0
00000314 conhost.exe
00000318 0
System information:
Wine build: wine-9.0-8247-g08baa933911
Platform: x86_64 (guest: i386)
Version: Windows 10
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 23.4.0

Hello Lee,

If you haven't already, we would highly recommend submitting a support ticket for issue with a specific app. We don't often prowl for logs around the forums, and it's actually against guidelines to post the logs here.

A couple quick notes about submitting the ticket also; For the best results, do not send/post the log by default. Our technical support staff will request a log as needed for troubleshooting, and often times the initial logs (such as a backtrace crash log) do not tell us everything.

Additionally, when submitting a ticket, please make sure to clearly describe the issue. This will help with replication, and saves time.

We also would encourage you to look at our technical support page for additional steps to try, as it may be resolvable via self-troubleshooting.

CodeWeavers Technical Support


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