I am looking to get crossover working with my SkyTrak Launch monitor for my golf simulator.
There are the programs I have downloaded on crossover.
GSPRO-Software that runs the golf simulator (game) This is working nice and smooth.
GSPRO Open API- This comes with GSPRO
SkyTrak GSPRO connector- The SkyTrak Launch monitor is not directly supported with GSPRO. This software reads the data from the launch monitor and sends it to GSPRO Open API. This then sends it to the game to display the shot.
The SkyTrak Connector program connects to the API via the devices IP. This part is working fine and connects while using crossover.
The physical device emits a wifi signal that I connect to with my laptop. The connector uses this wifi connection to connect to the device and receive data.
This part I cannot get to work. It works on a PC just fine so I know it's not just broken software.
Im curious if this is possible to get working on crossover. I guess this is considered just a device to device connection? Sorry I may not know the terminology.
Is there anything within crossover that would prevent the programs inside to not receive the data correctly?