XCom: Chimera Squad is playable on a Mac now with Crossover 22.0 b1 (at least through Steam Beta)
You have to enable DXVK
I also installed DirectX for ModernGames (Iirc I got rid of some "OpenGL missing" problem by installing it)
You have to Bypass the 2k launcher by using custom StartOptions (General -> Launch Options) in Steam.
2K launcher will crash if you do not do it...
Example: (Maybe your path is different but I think it should be standard...)"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM-Chimera-Squad\Binaries\Win64\xcom.exe" %command%
=> It is the same "trick" that had to be used on "Linux" a while ago.
You will probably get a warning that the 2K Launcher Patcher could not be found - press Enter and proceed.
Played on Medium Graphics OK on MacMini M1 16GB RAM (Played 4 hours...)
Played 20 hours on my NUC8i7HNK (8 GB RAM) Ubuntu 22.04 LTS through Steamplay and Proton Experimental (Game starts to "stutter" after some hours). Quit an restart game, all is well again.