Installing Visual Studio 6.0 on Crossover 6.0b1:
Out of the box, the Visual Studio installer will crash shortly after its run. Here are step by step directions on getting it to run correctly:
1. Create a Windows 98 bottle especially for MSVS6.
2. Open winecfg in Control Panels. Change the following libraries to native:
* ole32
* msvcrt
3. Install Windows OLE Compontents. THis can be done from the Install Windows Software list.
4. Start the Visual Studio installation from the CD. Follow the wizard until it asks to install Java. Let it, it will run for awhile, and then fail. This is expected. Click ok to dismiss the error message. Installation wizard will exit and Crossover will simulate a Windows restart.
5. After the restart, the installer will automatically resume. Continue through it as normal.
6. After installation finishes, you can launch any Visual Studio compontent from the Progams menu. Visual C++ 6 complains about MSVCRT despite the fact that its using its own DLL. Ignore the error, it doesn't effect anything. Visual J++ doesn't work since Java can't properly be installed.