As some of you might have seen, every Tibia update is distributed trough the client and unless is a major update it is not updated on the website, it has to be updated trough the client. Unfortunately updating via the client does not work on crossover :( but i found a way to do it :D just follow this steps:
(you need a windows computer or a virtual machine)
(you got to have tibia installed previously even if it isn't updated)
1: Download Tibia on windows and install it.
2: Update tibia to the newest version via the client.
3. Now go to the Tibia instalation folder which normally is My Computer > C > Program Files > Tibia
4. Copy the Folder on a USB drive or just pass it to Mac (or Linux, i tried this on Mac but it might work on linux).
On Mac(or Linux)
5. Open CrossOver and go to configure > manage bottles > advanced and click open C: drive this will show you the bottle where you installed tibia previously.
6. go to program files and open Tibia.
7. Now copy all the contents from the updated tibia that you got from windows into the tibia folder on Crossover. It will ask you to replace files just replace all of them.
8.Close all your windows, quit crossover and re-open it.
9.Now you are going to be able to play the updated tibia.