The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tips

Installation and Launch Issues (incl. Steam)

The guide at the Oblivion wiki is very helpful.
You may need to have the following keys in your wine registry for the container.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Wine / Direct3D:
OffscreenRenderingMode   pbuffer
VideoMemorySize 512

After launching the game once, you should have a file C:\Users\Crossover\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini — change the settings as listed below. bForce1XShaders=0 bUse Joystick=0 bMusicEnabled=0 bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch=0
Disable HDR in the Options screen from the launcher. HDR causes a bug where the screen renders all black.

You also may need to extract a particular dll from the directx included on the disk and get it into your wine container (note: do NOT install directx into the container, just this one dll):
cp d3dx9_27.dll ~/.cxgames/[CONTAINER_NAME]/drive_c/windows/system32/

by Unknown on 2011-02-07 10:55:48
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