StarCraft II Tips

How to reset the graphics options

Some users have reported that after extensively tweaking their in-game graphics settings, StarCraft II crashes on launch, meaning they are unable to "correct" the changes they've made in game.

To delete your graphics settings, entirely, and force StarCraft II to re-set them to the defaults as per it's detection of your graphics hardware, delete the "Variables.txt" files that are found in your $HOME directory's "Documents/StarCraft II" folder, and also inside "Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts/[account number]/"

On a subsequent re-launch of StarCraft you will be shown the into video, again (esc to skip), and your graphics settings will have been automatically set by the game. These settings are usually a bit high for good framerates, so I'd recommend going into the in-game settings and setting things to "medium/low" for better performance.

by Jack Phinney on 2012-05-18 14:59:39
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