To use a custom resolution if you have a large and/or widescreen display, add the following to the launcher's command:
-CustomResolution:enabled -r[HorizontalResolution]x[VerticalResolution]x[ColorBitDepth]
Example : on a Linux system, in order to get a 1920x1200 resolution, I change it from
/home/kelci/.cxoffice/SC4DE/desktopdata/cxmenu/StartMenu.C^5E3A^5Fusers^5FPublic^5FStart^2BMenu/Programs/Maxis/SimCity+4+Deluxe/SimCity+4+Deluxe" -CustomResolution:enabled -r1920x1200x32
Or on the Steam version just add
-CustomResolution:enabled -r1920x1200x32
to the launch options. (Right-click game -> Properties -> Set launch options)
Unfortunately, as in Windows, 1600x1200 resolutions and above may cause a graphical glitch in region view with large cities, depending on your graphic card.
Parameter and problem information source: