Samplitude 8 Tips

Very little Progress

I tested Samplitude with the new Crossover 6.2 and Samplitude is starting again, but only in a Win2000 bottle!  Unfortunatly the registrationwindows is a pain in the ***. It is not possible to activate the software! What a pitty!
I got the free edition 8.3 from german ct-magazine, and it has a two step activation. First step enter the OEM number, second step enter the (by email) recieved nubmber. No matter what I tried, the activation is not possible, so in fact, I cannot click anything in Samplitude. You can see the Samplitude window working and move an Object. More is not possible.

Maybe a newer version of samplitude works, but I do not have one. If you have a free version and if you are ready to crack it, maybe it works. I don't know!

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by Unknown on 2009-07-17 11:30:31
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