After upgrade to ubuntu 7.04 the following was needed.
1) Bring up a terminal window.
2) `cd ~/.cxoffice/default` (if your install is in the default bottle)
3) Edit "system.reg".
4) Search for "FontSubstitutes" until you come across the key "[Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontSubstitutes]".
5) Add `"Tahoma" = "Times New Roman"` at the end of the "FontSubstitutes" section. (You need the double quotes, not the single quotes.) Save the file and quit.
6) Edit "user.reg".
7) Search for "DLLOverrides" until you find the key titled "[Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides]"
8) Add `"rsaenh"="native, builtin"` to the end of the section. (You need the double quotes, not the single quotes.) Save the file and quit.
Thanks to the advocate(s) of quicken 2007 - who had the work done before I needed it and wrote the above tip (very slightly edited by me).