1. Install DirectX 9 in a Windows 2000 bottle. Then install PotPlayer1.5.40688.EXE, followed by PotPlayer1.5.42994Upd.EXE. Later versions do not work, although you may perhaps have success with portable versions.
2. Now configure audio to ALSA under Wine Configuration in the Control Panel for the bottle. If your system only uses ALSA this may not be necessary. Close the Wine config by clicking on "OK" button.
3. Go to the bottle in your hard drive and open user.reg
Search for [Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides] section and replace all with the following list:
4. Copy mscoree.dll and streamci.dll from an original Windows installation to /home/*user*/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32.
On crossover it is in a subdirectory in your bottle directory.
Working versions are:
mscoree.dll version 1.1.4322.573
streamci.dll version 5.1.2600.0
5. (Optional) To test DX installation, go to /home/*user*/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 and execute dxdiag to test the 2D and 3D).
6. (Optional) Install Adobe Flash Player 11 for Internet Explorer. This is available in Crossover but I imagine you could do this manually just as well.
7. (Optional) Install Dirac codec in the bottle you have installed Potplayer in.
8. If you use pulseaudio you want to change:
load-module module-udev-detect
(+ use_ucm=0 or whatever else it says on that line)
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0
in /etc/pulse/default.pa
9. You can have it do a nice maximized
interface if you set custom starting screen size to 1920x932 in PotPlayer settings. (You may need to adjust depending on your setup)
10. You may want to experiment with audio and video filters for usability. Audio works generally quite well. Video has limited performance, and works best in Direct3D9, VMR 7 Renderless and Video Renderer modes. Other modes may lock up the computer or crash the application. You may be able to get CoreAVC working with this to improve performance.
11. Show with tray icon should be set in PotPlayer preferences. Disabling visualizations in PotPlayer is highly recommended as the player tends to stall otherwise.