To open pefs directly in KDE (tested on 3.5.x versions) follow this steps:
1. Open KDE Control Center (for example type in console: kcontrol)
2. Go to KDE Components and choose File Associations
3. In Find filename pattern type: pef
4. Click on image and choose x-raw
5. Click on Add button (it's on the right, in Application Preference order)
6. In Choose Application Window type:
"/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine" --bottle "ppl" --untrusted --workdir "/home/tm/.cxoffice/ppl/drive_c/Program Files/PENTAX/Digital Camera Utility" -- "/home/tm/.cxoffice/ppl/drive_c/Program Files/PENTAX/Digital Camera Utility/PPHLAB03.exe"
where:/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine - path to wine in crossover installation directory
ppl - name of the bottle where you installed PPL
/home/tm/.cxoffice/ppl/drive_c/Program Files/PENTAX/Digital Camera Utility - working directory - path to the PPL program files directory
/home/tm/.cxoffice/ppl/drive_c/Program Files/PENTAX/Digital Camera Utility/PPHLAB03.exe - path to the PPL exe in program files directory
then click on OK
7. There should be created created new application in the list (it's called wine, to change name simply edit it, also it should be on the top of the list to be default app for pefs)
8. Click on Apply
9. Close KDE Control Center
Alternatively you could click right mouse on pef, choose
Open with and then
Other. In
Open with window type command from step 6 and check
Remember application association for this type of file, then click Ok.
Also this steps should works with Pentax dngs from camera or Petax Photo Browser.
Other Window Managers should have similar configuration.