Palynodata is in the list of software that will be installed by Crossover pretty much automatically. From the top menu choose "Configure/ Install Software" or from the Bottle window click on the "Install a Windows Application" button. Type in 'Palynodata', click on 'Install' and 'Continue'. Then click on 'Install'.
Click here for a video showing the process- from the start of installation to the first taxon search in the Palynodata database took only 90 seconds.
---- Manual Download and Install of Palynodata ----
Download Palynodata by searching for 'download geoscan palynodata' or directly from the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and unzip it. You may want to Rename the folder from _5793 to Palynodata.
Use the installer file "setup.exe" inside the apps folder to install (choosing the folder or autoplay.exe does not work). You will need to select unlisted application and name a new bottle (e.g. Palynodata) While it may stall for a few seconds on a green blank screen titled Microsoft Data Access Components the install should go smoothly.
You may want to read the file doc/HTML/PALINTRO.HTM.