This app is easy to install. Here are the steps:
1) Download the installer, NetAcquireInstall.exe, from
2) Start up CrossOver Office Setup, select the "Install Unsupported Apps" option, select the "*exe" option and browse to the NetAcquire installer.
3) You will be prompted to unzip the installer, do so and use the default location 'C:\\WINDOWS\\TEMP.' After doing this, CrossOver Office Setup will finish the installation, that is correct.
4) As before, select the "Install Unsupported Apps" option, select the "*exe" option, but this time (starting from your home directory) browse to .cxoffice/dotwine/fake_windows/Windows/Temp/NetAcquireInstall/SETUP.EXE.
5) Follow the install instructions and you are ready to play. A menu icon should be created, if it isn't the executable in cxoffice/bin is named netacquire.