Mini vMac gives users a sense of what it was like to use the classic Mac OS and Mac applications. It emulates quite an early 68K Macintosh - the Mac Plus - which was comparable to Mac SEs that I began using 25 years ago. It does that for a fraction of what I paid for my first Mac, a Mac LC, and users of diverse platforms can try it. Mini vMac has been ported not only to Linux and Windows, but to Android and iOS environments.
Having additional overhead should be a disadvantage; however, it's a non-issue because contemporary hardware and software run way faster than a Mac Plus with System 6 or 7 could. The user experience has improved, but you'd have to use or have used a real Mac Plus to fully appreciate how far we've come!
Developments in hardware, operating systems, and application software occur in parallel, and Mini vMac is but one Mac emulator. If you absolutely must open an old HyperCard stack , ClarisWorks word processing document or FileMaker database, this might be the right tool for the job. And if it is, you might finally be able to let go of some old hardware that's in your garage. <g>