This tip doesn't appear to be needed anymore if you are running under CX5. Preliminary testing shows that Publisher 2000 is working much better. I'm seeing an issue with it not changing from drag the text block to letting you edit the text without dragging the block slightly first, but that may just be me. I need to test on a couple of other versions of Linux.
To stand the best chance of getting Publish to run so you can experiment with it you need to dismiss the template catalog selector on initial load. Then select the Tools menu General tab and uncheck the Use Catalog at startup option.
Next select the User Assistance tab and make sure that Use Quick Publication Wizard for blank publications is unchecked and that Step through wizard questions is also unchecked.
If the UI is locked you may be able to free it by minimizing the application and restoring it. Then be careful to keep the mouse pointer outside of the Publisher application window client area.
I've been able to test by opening an existing publisher document, then selecting "Edit/Select All". Then I can move into the client area and select an individual frame and/or text block to edit/move. This is the point where I can select a block of text and using the right mouse context menu edit the text in MSWord. After editing the text you should be able to update it back into Publisher with no prob lem.
But, you will find that the UI will lock up if you move back outside of the application client area if you do not have a frame or text block selected.
At this point the above tips will not get the application working so that you could use it, but you will be able to test it under your OS installation and provide feedback.