Set these registry keys on your Office 2010 bottle and Office will be able to reach and activate against a local Key Management Server (KMS) common in large organizations.
Launch Crossover, click the Bottles button in the top-left, right-click on the Office bottle and choose Run Command. In the Run Command window enter the word regedit and run.
Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform] and create two keys (Edit -> New -> String Value) inside that location.
"KeyManagementServiceName"="StringKey:<your license server IP address>"
"KeyManagementServicePort"="StringKey:<your license server port number>" (default is 1688)
Keep regedit open and start any Office application (i.e. Word). Update regedit by pushing the F5 key and you'll see an additional entry in the registry that has been automatically created.
Go to [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform] and create a new binary key (Edit -> New -> Binary Value) inside that location.
"VLRenewalSchedule"="BinaryKey:<any value>"
Quit and relaunch Office and it should be activated. You can double-check activation via File menu -> Help
Thanks to Dimitrios for posting that. -Riko