1. create a winxp bottle
2. install visual basic 6 sp6 (from runtime support components)
3. install visual c++ 6 redist (from runtime support components)
4. install windows script 5.6 or if that doesnt install...install windows script (jscript only) AND windows script (vbscript only)
5. install mediamonkey (get installer from mediamonkey website)
6. install mad plugin (from here http://www.mars.org/home/rob/proj/mpeg/mad-plugin/MAD%20plug-in%200.14.2b.exe) install to /program files/mediamonkey/plugins
7. run mediamonkey (will take ages to open up first time)
-if you cannot see anything in the details view change the skin and revert back to your chosen skin and it will work again.
-there are numerous graphical glitches throughout
-window position is not remembered when re-opening the app
-rating a track while playing it causes playback to skip backwards by 1-2 sec