I have found that the game works best under certain conditions on my laptop. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 desktop on my laptop, and it runs at a silver rating. In full screen mode, there is a bug which makes speed levels very hard to play. On my laptop, I use an external mouse, so I can alleviate the problem to a certain point. But what happens is if you use the touchpad to rotate the camera, it can get very skippy. Very irritating. Also, if you use an external mouse as I have, it works a little better, but a very strange problem happens. You can rotate the camera about 400 degrees around the ball. I suspect that this is a problem with the capturing of the mouse by the program. I don't experience these issues in the same laptop running Windows 7.
I have found that to provide 100% playability, you need to have these settings in the video settings:
Resolution: 800x600
Window: In a window, not full screen
OpenGL graphics (direct 3d causes extreme graphics issues, even in the menus)
So ya. Not too difficult to play in this manner.