Those who have played Garry's Mod on Windows may know that most of the addons are developed and daily modified in SVN version control enviroments.
This allows easily updating client-side addons too by "SVN updating" the repo for addon locally.
In Windows enviroment the easiest and most popular graphical client for SVN is TortoiseSVN.
For both Linux and Mac enviroments I recommend
RapidSVN or just plain old "svn" commandline clients it's the easiest.
You can easily find the latest installers for cross-platform releases from they're respected site.
But since cxgames is developed for Linux and Mac, I will only cover the RapidSVN and svn command itself here.
After you have successfully installed RapidSVN for you'r platform, you can go ahead and launch it.
In the main titleset select "Repository" From there select "Checkout"
In the "URL" field you can type the address of the SVN addon:
List of current popular SVN addon address's
In the "Destination Directory" you need to browse where to put the addon:
By default you should choose /home/user/.cxgames/default/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/steamusername/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/addon_name
Change variables "user" "default" "steamusername" "addon_name" respectedly.
Click OK, to start initializing the checkout. Remember SVN is fast for smaller files, it may take a while to complete the whole checkout.
After you've done with checking out, you may want to check for updates by clicking the bookmarks created on the left panel and selecting "Update Selected".
SVN commandline
SVN commandline is much more simpler to use on crossplatform, it maybe installed for your Distribution/Platform by default.
Browse to /home/user/.cxgames/default/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/steamusername/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/
Change variables "user" "default" "steamusername" respectedly.
Then enter the following commandset in console.
svn co svn-address addon_name
Change variables "svn-address-here" "addon_name" respectedly
you may want to check for updates sometimes by browsing to the directory of the addon and entering the following command
svn update
That's it, I hope this covers all up =)