(This tip applies if you've already installed Game Collector!)
I set this app up on a Linux System (Ubuntu 10.10), and ran it under Crossover Office 10.
In Collectorz' "Game Collector" program, when you click a game whose
info you've cataloged, it would show an image of (typically) the
"boxart" for that game, along with a description, # of players, etc...
Well, it apparently uses Internet Explorer to do so, which means you
must install Internet Explorer in the Wine Bottle you've installed Game
Collector in, which can be done by going to "Install windows software"
in your Program Launcher (I've only tested this on linux, so I'm not
POSITIVE on what to launch on a Mac), navigate to "internet Explorer 7"
(That's what I used, so use that!) and select it, you can skip over the
bar that says "Will Download the installer..." and click the one that
says "Will install into a new..." and change it to whatever you
installed game collector to.