Tips by: crispy, taken from Galactic Civilizations II Tips & Tricks page.
I bought the Galactic Civilizations II Ultimate Edition on CD from Amazon.
Here's what worked for me.
Put the CD in.
Select "Install Unsupported Software." I created a Windows Vista bottle, and I manually selected the installer. I chose the setup.exe. Apparently the autorun.exe was the problem because setup.exe worked just fine.
Partway into the installation, I got an error message:
impulse.exe - .NET Framework Initialization Error
c:/windows/microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.5072/mscorwks.dll could not be loaded.
In case it messed up the install, I ignored it. When the the install went to 100%, I clicked "ok" and that got rid of the error message and the game finished installation.
The game crashed when I tried to load it from the regular icon, so I used the RUN command in the Crossover Games menu, selected the bottle and then selected GalCiv2.exe from the Program Files folder and ran that.
I got a whole bunch of error messages but just clicked through them. The game started up beautifully.
Some of the yellow fonts on some of the menus were garbled. You need:
You need to put this font in the 'fonts' folder under 'windows' in the C drive for the bottle where you put GCII. Fonts will magically clear up. There might still be a little garbling, but nothing major.