Game does not detect a Direct3D Driver - defaults back to window mode upon first launch - to get a desired fullscreen resolution you have to manually edit the system.cfg file in the games main directory accordingly.
A graphics card profiling notification dialog will be displayed every time you try to run the game - this might be because the game is unable to detect a proper graphics adapter but it does run anyway.
while in the game, MipMapping and AlphaBlending has to be disabled in the detail settings menu to prevent rendering errors and lags during gameplay.
the sytem.cfg file should look like this:
;Automatically generated script file for Ford Racing
ShowMenu NO
Card 0
CardName "DirectDraw HAL"
CardGUID 1 1 1 1
CardRes 1680 1050 32 3392936
CardMipMapping No
CardMultiTexture Yes
Card32BitTextures Yes
CardAntiJudder Yes
CardAlphaTest Yes
SoundProvider "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
SoundQuality "High"
;End Of File