To install Flight Simulator X:Steam Edition (FSE:SE) create a new Windows 7 bottle
These steps must be carried out in order, particularly the MSXML parts.
Install the following into the bottle.
Visual C 2005 SP1
Once Steam has installed and updated itself install and run FSX:SE. Steam will install some dependancies. The game will probably crash initially whilst loading the splash screen. Just quit Steam and continue as below.
Run Wine Configuration (in the Control Panels folder of the bottle) and in the Graphics tab tick "Emulate a virtual desktop'. Enter a suitable resolution for your monitor.
In the Libraries tab enter msxml4 in the "New override for library' box and click 'Add', then 'OK'.
Install MSXML 4.0SP3 using Crossover's Install Program into... option.
Use Crossover's 'Run Command' option to install MSXML 4.2 from the 'Installers' folder in your FSX bottle. The path should be as follows.
'drive_c:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Common\FSX'. The file is 'msxml.msi'. Note this is only required in some versions of Crossover.
To see any errors run FSX:SE with performance enhanced graphics off and/or with the legacy driver (if available). Use Wine configuration to set a virtual desktop the same size as your screen resolution. Without the virtual screen most errors are not displayed. The game just seems to hang at the splash screen. Depending on the version of Crossover the legacy driver may not work or even be available.
Hopefully that should get you started. Unfortunately the game is very fussy which versions of Crossover it runs with and what dll overrides are used.
The game seems to run better with the Windows version set to Windows 7 in wineconfig. There may be lots of graphical artefacts. These can be overcome by running regedit and adding a DWORD value named 'MaxVersionGL' with a value of 30002 (in Hexadecimal) in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Wine\Direct3D.
I could not get the game to run reliably without the 'emulate virtual desktop' option set in the wineconfig graphics tab. I would like to remedy this as it slows the game down. Normal Wine does not have this problem.