Go to Run Command in your FIFA 12 bottle and run the regedit.exe file which is found in the windows folder.
A Wine emulated window should appear. On the right hand side, you should see a folder called 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' Then go to 'Software', then within that, 'Wine'
Right click, and if there isn't a file named this already, then go to New, then Key. Call it Direct3D (exactly like that)
Next, add the following values (for each one, go to New -> String Value. A new string should appear, rename it with the exact same name [i.e no spaces in between, make sure there are capitals in the right places, no space afterwards.]. Then right click on this string and click 'Modify Data', and so put the value in- you don't need a space before it.):
UseGLSL: enabled
VideoMemorySize: put your video RAM here
OffscreenRenderingMode: fbo
DirectDrawRenderer: opengl
For the VideoMemorySize, on Mac go to System Profiler;Graphics/Display, and it says there what your video RAM is.
(Taken from the FIFA 11 CX Forums)