*Confirmed to work on Mac, I do not know whether this will work on Linux as well, although I should think that it would*
Go to Run Command in your FIFA 11 bottle and run the regedit.exe file which is found in the windows folder.
A Wine emulated window should appear. On the right hand side, you should see a folder called 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' Then go to 'Software', then within that, 'Wine'
Right click, then go to New, then Key. Call it Direct3D (exactly like that)
Next, add the following values (for each one, go to New -> String Value. A new string should appear, rename it with the exact same name [i.e no spaces in between, make sure there are capitals in the right places, no space afterwards.]. Then right click on this string and click 'Modify Data', and so put the value in- you don't need a space before it.):
UseGLSL: enabled
VideoMemorySize: put your video RAM here
OffscreenRenderingMode: fbo
DirectDrawRenderer: opengl
For the VideoMemorySize, on Mac go to System Profiler;Graphics/Display, and it says there what your video RAM is.
'voila! no strange articafcts [sic] and shadows fully working. :)'
*Again, may I thank Jurek for his work here*