EVE Online Tips

AMDGPU - Workaround for full system freeze or EVE crash.

DISCLAIMER. I tested this only with AMDGPU opensource drivers (AMD Radeon RX Vega64). Also the combination of grub parameters below is not meant to be a be-all-end-all for all users. It has worked for me well for months, and I thought to share it.

Depending on combinations of wine version, mesa version, and kernel, EVE online might randomly freeze the whole system, forcing a hard reset. In some other cases it might be possible to terminate the process and recover without a hard reset.

Until a permanent solution is found, if you are affected by this problem, you can try changing the below settings in EVE client:

  1. Change present interval to interval immediate

Add below kernel parameters in your grub:




rcu_nocbs=0-15 (adjust to number of cores/threads of your CPU)











1. Options above need to be added to the grub default file and applied according to your distribution. The file is usually /etc/default/grub and all options are to be added in the line starting with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= After the "splash=silent quiet" options.


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash=silent quiet rcu_nocbs=0-15 idle=nomwait processor.max_cstate=5 pcie_aspm=off amdgpu.dc=1 amdgpu.vm_update_mode=0 amdgpu.dpm=-1 amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xffffffff amdgpu.vm_fault_stop=2 amdgpu.vm_debug=1 amdgpu.gpu_recovery=0"

2. To apply those to your grub, use your distribution-specific commands. then reboot system.

ubuntu: sudo update-grub

opensuse: sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

by ilvipero on 2019-04-28 01:40:44
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