Today, I tested DNS Benchmark with on CrossOver 9.0 for the Mac. Here are the steps for installing and using:
1) After you have created a bottle, just drag the DNSBench.exe file into your designated Applications folder, in it's own folder (i.e. ~/Applications/Crossover/DNSBench)
2) Under the Configure Menu, select Clear and Rebuild Programs Menu to trigger CrossOver to create an icon. In 8.0.3 this did not create an icon, in 9.0 it does.
3) From that point forward you can either run the program from the Programs Menu in Crossover, double click the DNSBench icon, or put the DNSBench icon in your OS X dock.
I've seen no issues with DNS Benchmark on CrossOver Pro 9.0.
Let us know if you run into any problems.