This application is proprietary so one requires a license from Vetric to use it. If one does own such a license, it is as simple to install using CrossOver as it is to install in Windows and it runs with full capabilities as if it were in Windows. I have used this program many times to cut parts on my CnC machine using the g-code files generated by Cut2D running under CrossOver Linux with as good accuracy as one could obtain running Windows. In fact, most CnC manufactures recommend using Linux rather than Windows to actually cut parts due to Windows sometimes performing system operations in the background that can ruin cut jobs. Simply follow the few steps list below to install:
1. Insert the Cut2D CD in the CD Drive.
2. Open CrossOver.
3. Create a WinXP Bottle (if one has not been created previously) and use the wine configuration tool in the control panel to:
A. Create a virtual desktop sized for your monitor as desired using the fields provided in the Graphics tab.
B. Using the Drives tab, select the "Show Advanced" button and give the drive a serial number other than zero.
4. Exit and select "Install Windows Software."
5. Click the "Browse Available Applications" and select "unlisted application" (Codeweavers hasn't tested this app yet).
6. Click "Continue" and select "Choose installer file..." then select "CUT2DV15_Setup.exe" (it show up on the "Select installer" tab).
7. Click "Continue" then click the "Select bottle" tab and select the WinXP bottle (I haven't tested this on a later Windows version yet).
8. Select the "Install and finish" tab then the "Install" button" and The app will install.
9. Uncheck the "Launch Application" box and select "Finsih" and CrossOver will complete the installation.
10. When ready, launch the application and open your *.dxf file exported from your CAD program and set up your job.