Mostly works.
Did a "Full Install" onto a new XP-bottle, does not work with the minimal install as it can't find the CD.
No major problems with the installer but some of the windows that the QuickTime-installer opens can be obscured by the CrossOver windows, particularly if you switch to some other app during the rather lengthy installation. CrossOver had to be forced to end the installation process, probably because the installer fired up the QuickTime-installer as well.
Running the game works but no full-screen movies are shown (but are heard). This includes the two (short) company credit-screens before start of the game proper (no need to click or press space or anything, just wait them out), the helicopter view of the city at the beginning of each case, neither of which impacts game-play. The (slight) down-side is that the full-screen reconstruction movies are also missing which is a bit of a bummer but does not affect the game-play as such. You still hear the voice-over so you understand what happens, you just don't see the gory pictures of bullets punctating hearts or whatnot (if you're a fan of the show, and why else are you playing this game, you know precicely which kind of clips I'm talking about). Anyway, they are on the CD (and in the game-folder), in QuickTime format so I suppose you can play them on their own if you really want to.
The settings window complains that "Your video card does not support this setting" despite what setting you try, even the "Software render" setting. The installer noticed the DirectX from the bottle but apparently the game don't.
The "sub-titles" setting does not seem to work so you'll have to listen. Luckily the voices are not heard to understand, even for a non-native English-speaker like myself.
Probably related to the animation-problems but the UV-lamp and Infrared tools only shows a black circle instead of the enhanced view they should have shown. This makes it a bit difficult to know if you're on the right track, but you can always click and if your on the right track, your CSI-partner will comment on it.
The game is fully playable but with minor detractions from the full experience. Once or twice the game has bombed but this has been very infrequent.
As an aside, I have tried the game on a real XP-machine and there, with a modern QuickTime instead of the old one supplied with the game, the animation problems are reversed, all full-screen movies work but all characters in normal game-play are covered by white rectangles! This sometimes makes it hard to notice evidence close to, say your partner, or suspects present at the scene and definitely impacts game-play. If this had been the case under CrossOver, I would have ranked it as Bronze, so, in a way, I guess it works *better* under CrossOver! :-)
Now, go out there and solve those crimes!