Crysis needs Windows XP override settings for Crysis.exe and crysis64.exe. Also use launcher "Run Command" and select crysis.exe from bin32 or crysis64.exe from bin64 to run it.
64bit version has much better perfomance but has black screen bug. This bug is happening on Windows too.
To run Crysis in 64bit on CrossOver first backup bin32 and bin64 folders.
1. Add Windows XP override settings for Crysis.exe and crysis64.exe
2. Delete bin32 folder
3. Duplicate bin64 folder and rename it to bin32
4. Delete Crysis.exe from newly created bin32 folder
5. Rename crysis64.exe from bin32 folder to crysis.exe
6. Run crysis.exe from bin32 folder with "Run Command". It will throw error "Could not launch main application". Just click "OK".
7. Run crysis64.exe from bin64 folder with "Run Command"
VOILA! Repeat steps 6. & 7. on every launch
To use BlackFire MOD 1.3 with Crysis 64bit version after step 6. replace code in BFMU.bat BlackFire MOD file with
@copy AmbientOcclusion.cfx Mods\BFMU\Game\Shaders\HWScripts\CryFX\AmbientOcclusion.cfx
cd Bin64
Crysis64.exe -mod BFMU
Run with "Run Command" the BFMU.bat file.