The game is currently not playable (Mac version, CXGames 8.1.4). Here are the current issues (and solutions as available) in case they are helpful:
Current status:
Installation proceeds fine from the CD, whether in a Win98 or WinXP bottle--no difference. Shortcuts are made fine.
Known issues and comments/solutions:
1. After installing from the CD, when you go to run the game, it refuses to recognize that the CD is in the drive. To get past this, you should download the free patch updating CivCTP from version 1.1 to version 1.2, usually called cctp_1_2_us.exe . Install this in the bottle as unsupported software; it should work with no problems and be very quick. After that, the game should recognize the CD in the drive.
2. When you run the game it starts you at the screen where you choose the options for your game, in order to begin. Problem is that all the buttons are blank (the text is missing, so you don't know which button is which). I do not know how to change this, but the buttons seem to still do their correct function, so you may be able to find diagrams online or in the manual to know which button does what. (upper right button 3 times, followed by lower right button will at least get a game started).
3. Once you get a game set-up, it begins to load the game. Problem is that about 5/6 of the way through, it stalls. This is the biggest current issue. I know of no fix.
So if anyone knows how to get around these problems, we may be in luck. I'm wondering if these are regressions, because the Wine page shows this game as working, with some workarounds, which do not seem to work with Crossover.
I'll update this as progress is made.