(note: Paul the Tall has said that STEP 7 of his sticky thread in the Forum -unchecking the boxes in the winecfg- will fix this.)
I've had this problem on a few games, so it might be just my particular mac.
I ran the application on OSX 10.6.4
1gb ram
NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 128 vram
I'm using the Battlefield 1942 Game of the Year edition bundled with Road to Rome and Secret Weapons of WW2 (4 cd set).
After following tips from Paul the Tall and Simon Janich, I found that when the game finally started the display width was too small and although the opening splash screens showed, the menu didn't. I just had a giant olive-green cursor. I've had this in a few games.
Here's my solution:
I went to 'programs' and 'run command'. I selected the bottle for b1942, and then browsed for the BF1942.exe in the c:/Program Files/EA Games/Battlefield 1942 folder. I checked the box to create a log and then run the command. Looking at the log I saw that the program doesn't like FBO.
So, I went back to 'programs' and 'run command'. I selected the bottle for b1942, then typed regedit as the command and ran it.
I went to hkey_current_user/software/wine/Direct3D
If you don't have a Direct3D folder, create one (right click on the 'wine' folder and create a key called Direct3D). In the Direct3D folder I created a 'string' called OffscreenRenderingMode (right click inside the Direct3D folder). I then right-clicked the new string and clicked 'modify' and gave it the value [backbuffer] (with no brackets). I then exited from regedit.
The games now work on my machine.