Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Tips

Fix White Screen after Intro

To get the white screen, which is the game menu, fixed properly  you need to run the regedit on the bottle. To do this, go to: 
Programs --> Run Command --> *Choose the bottle you have installed AC in* --> type: "regedit" or go to Browse: windows; regedit --> click Run.

Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D
(If there is no key named Direct 3D create one, in Edit-New-Key, or right click New-Key)
Then enter the following string names and values:

NAME (exactly as is)  VALUE
DirectDrawRenderer opengl
OffscreenRenderingMode fbo
RenderTargetLockMode readtex
UseGLSL enabled

(Taken from Assassin's Creed T&T, credit goes to paulthetall, I only tidied it up a little)

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