1. Install the game using GOG installer into a new Windows 7/10 64-bit Bottle
2. Install the Unofficial Arcanum Patch(https://terra-arcanum.com/drog/uap.html)
3. Navigate to C Drive of the bottle and go to the HighRes folder in the Arcanum directory and open config.ini
4. Under the 'Basic' heading, you can change the resolution under 'Width' and 'Height' - I set mine for 1280x720 but you can set to whatever you like.
5. Under the 'Graphics' heading, as I had issues running in fullscreen(my default resolution is 3024x1984 is just too small) I set 'Windowed' to 1. Update 'Renderer' to 1 for Hardware. Save the Config.ini file.
5. After inputting your desired graphics settings above, use "run command" in your bottle to run _install.bat it will open a wine terminal and close automatically.
6. Use the "run command" in your bottle and enter the command: regedit
7. Browse to Current User>Software>Wine>Direct3D (Create Direct3D as a new key if needed)
8. Add new string value to Direct3D called "renderer" and make the value: gdi
9. Close regedit and run game.