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Installation: I successfully installed the software in a separate Windows 2000 bottle. I did not want this unsupported application to "infect" my default bottle where I installed MS Word 2000, so I installed it in the Windows 2000 bottle where I place unsupported applications. I do not need application integration, since I use Antidote's built-in editor (text-only), and copy and paste back and forth from the applications I need to Antidote's editor. Unfortunately, I have not yet tested Word integration, for formatted text.
However, during installation, and whenever I start the program, I do get one error message, concerning the HKEY_CURRENT_USR registry key. I simply press OK, and then the program works with no further problem.
To access Antidote's built-in document editor (text-only), go to Fichier -> Nouveau (Ctrl+N). When I try to paste into the editor using the Paste option or Ctrl-V, it doesn't work. The work-around is Edition -> Collage spécial.... Then, with the "Coller" radio selected, select "Texte non formaté", and then click "OK". The text in the clipboard is then correctly pasted, but text only, with no formatting.
by Unknown on 2009-07-17 11:30:31